About Hyperion

Hyperion held the record of having the tallest single rig when she was launched in 1998 by Dutch shipyard Royal Huisman. German Frers designed her hull and her luxurious classic interior was by Peter Beelsnijder.

Her high tech pilothouse can be fully closed or fully opened for admiring the incredible views, under sail or at anchor. Her spacious and elegantly ornate wooden interior accommodates 6 guests in 3 beautifully appointed cabins, all with en-suite bathrooms. She features a state-of-the-art entertainment system and generous deck space for lounging and enjoying the sun. A top performer at Super Yacht Bucket regattas, Hyperion is not only the ideal choice for exploring the world in style and comfort, she can also turn on the exhilaration factor when required.

Known to be well looked after, and five years on from her last refit, Hyperion has just completed another major maintenance period in June this year. This included a full hull and superstructure repaint, main engine and generator servicing and the removal and servicing of her telescopic dagger-board. As is to be expected she remains in perfect condition to weather any challenge, and continues to be a very popular charter compliant yacht.

Available for charter